One purse could

change her life

Through the transformative power of the purse, we help women reclaim their lives.

Our Programs



One Purse employs women in The rePURPOSE Project to run an e-commerce purse shop where they learn in-demand job skills within a trauma-informed workplace.



Scholarships for vocational training, college tuition and education resources are available through the Restore Her Dream Fund.



The Dream Cycle Series: A Wholehearted Journey to your Dreams is a heart and life skills curriculum available both online and for in-person cohorts and retreats.

Our Mission

One Purse empowers women overcoming abuse, addiction, exploitation and trafficking on their journey to wholeness and economic freedom.

In collaboration with our strategic partners, our Employment, Education and Empowerment programs eliminate barriers to economic freedom for vulnerable women in our community and nationwide. 

Our Mission

Our Values

Lead with love – for self and others

Serve all with dignity and respect

Celebrate beauty refined through brokenness

Do hard things with grace and perseverance

Remain steadfast in faith, gratitude and humility

Collaborate for hope and freedom

Our Impact

0 +

Scholarships Provided

$ 0

Scholarships for Education

0 +

Employment Hours


Women employed

Our Founder

From Our Founder

I am a wife, a mother of four, and the Founder & CEO of One Purse.

In 2011, I stepped away from my 15+ year career in the finance industry. I felt a burden for vulnerable women and children so strong that I was compelled to take action. At that time, I did not realize how many in my own community were struggling to find their way forward and how life-altering experiences such as abuse, addiction and trafficking can lead to complex trauma and vulnerabilities that do not disappear just because someone finds their way out of a harmful situation. Helping women break free from cycles of violence and brokenness extends far beyond physical safety. Many services were being offered to address physical, mental and emotional freedom, but few were providing true opportunities for economic freedom. When vulnerable populations lack the ability to provide for themselves, they are highly susceptible to further dependence on unsafe people, relapse and re-exploitation.

Today at One Purse, we empower survivors through employment in our unique social enterprise and education through scholarships for college tuition or vocational training. We know that when women can achieve financial independence, it strengthens the foundation of freedom for them and the generations that follow.

Together, we can offer more women the opportunity to build economic freedom and truly experience healthy, wholehearted lives.

Get Involved

Donate Your Purses

A purse sitting in your closet can change the life of a woman in your community.

Shop Our Collection

Buy your next purse from us and the proceeds will provide employment through The rePURPOSE Project.

Empower Her Dreams

Financial gifts provide more vulnerable women with employment and education.


Our Partners

Meet our Business & Community Partners.